Developmental Milestones
Children vary in their development of speech and language skills. However, they follow a natural progression or timetable for mastering the skills of language. As per The Rossetti Infant-Toddler Language Scale, a general list of speech and language milestones is listed below.
Birth - 3 months
Quiets to a familiar voice
Moves in response to voice
Discriminates between angry and friendly voices
Has a hunger cry
Vocalizes to show pleasure
3 - 6 months
Begins to recognize own name
Responds to “no”
Smiles in response to speech
Takes turns vocalizing
6-9 months
Responds to “no” most of the time
Moves toward or looks for family members when named
Responds to “Come here”
Vocalizes in response to objects that move
Shouts or vocalizes to gain attention
9-12 months
Responds to some verbal requests such as giving requested objects
Identifies two body parts on self
Says “Mama” or “Dada”
Says 1-2 words spontaneously
12-15 months
Follows one-step commands during play
Responds to “Give me”
Identifies three body parts on self or doll
Understands some prepositions such as up and down
Shakes head yes or no
Says 8-10 words spontaneously
Tries to sing along with familiar songs
Imitates new words
Imitates three animal sounds
15-18 months
Identifies six body parts or clothing items on a doll
Chooses two familiar objects when asked (i.e. gets items as you name them, such as bottle, ball, shoes)
Identifies objects by categories (i.e. able to put blocks with other blocks, balls with other balls)
Says 15 meaningful words
Asks for “more”
Asks “What’s that”
Names 5-7 objects when asked
18-21 months
Identifies four body parts and clothing items on self
Follows basic directions (e.g., “Sit down” and “Come here”)
Understands the meaning of action words
Identifies pictures named
Imitates two-and-three word phrases
Requests toys or food with vocalizations and gestures
Names some pictures
21-24 months
Puts away toys on request
Follows two-step related commands (i.e. “Get the diaper and bring it to me”)
Says two-word phrases frequently
Uses 50 different words
Says three-word phrases occasionally
Says own name to refer to self
24-27 months
Points to four action words in pictures
Understands size concepts (big and small)
Understands the concept one (i.e. “Give me one block”)
Imitates two numbers or unrelated words
Uses three-word phrases frequently
Uses action words (i.e. sit, eat, cry, sleep, kick, throw, roll)
27-30 months
Responds to simple questions
Understands two prepositions/location phrases , such as on, in, by, under
Names one color
Refers to self by pronouns consistently (I, me, my)
Uses two sentence types (declarative sentences like “Dog eat” or “Give me cookie”
Uses past tense regular and irregular forms
Uses negation (no, not, don’t)
30-33 months
Names one color
Refers to self by pronouns consistently (I, me, my)
Uses two sentence types (declarative sentences like “Dog eat” or “Give me cookie”
Uses past tense regular and irregular forms
Uses negation (no, not, don’t)
Answers questions with “yes” and “no”
Uses plurals
Uses prepositions
States gender
Says first and last name
33-36 months
Follows three-step unrelated commands
Answers wh-questions
Identifies parts of objects
Uses verb form -ing
Asks wh-questions including what, who, and where
Talks in sentences 3-5 words in length
Counts to 3
Recites some nursery rhymes